Ethernet, invented by Dr. Robert Metcalf and initiated by Xerox, Digital, and Intel, is a computer networking protocol that manages data transmission over a Local Area Network (LAN). Today, it is the most sought after computer protocol in the world among LAN networking protocols. The Ethernet computer network that deals with a metropolitan area is widely known as Metro Ethernet There are many kinds of football jersey
Ethernet including, Fast Ethernet and gigabit metro LAN.
Fast Ethernet refers to the Ethernet network that has a speed up to 100 Mbps. The fastest Ethernet, known as gigabit metro LAN or Gigabit Ethernets, has a speed of up to approximately 1000 Mbps or 1 Gbp, and is now extensively used as the protocol of a wide range of computer networks. It is reliable, cost effective, easily upgradeable, simple, easy to use, and has an easy migration to high speed networking without disrupting the existing network. Gigabit can provide an increased bandwidth for greater performance and allows very quick transferring of a high amount of data across a computer network. It also boasts of Full Duplex capacity and Quality of service features to avoid audio, video, and data problems.
The gigabit metro LAN is required to be connected to a modem or to a wireless router. The T1 connection provides high speed internet connection and facilitates transferring of information more quickly than the traditional phone lines, DSL connection, and satellite connection. T1 connection lines can be made out of Saints jersey
either fabric optic or copper. The main drawback of T1 connection is that it is expensive and therefore mostly used in business establishments.
At first, the gigabit metro LAN was standardized only for fiber optic cable. However, now it has been standardized to use Cat-5 copper cabling, which is cheaper than the optic fiber cables.. The main advantage of gigabit over copper is that it can add incomparable speed to computer network. Moreover, it is possible for most of the user to run gigabit metro LAN over their existing Cat 5 copper cabling, as its 1000BASE-T technology is just an expansion of the Fast Ethernet 100BASE-T.
The 1000BASE-T technology of gigabit metro LAN provides users with many highly beneficial features like innovative Quality of Service, unprecedented reliability, improved security, and easy availability. Other benefits of gigabit over copper include, connecting computers at 1000 Mbps, improving the performance of servers, reducing network or backbone Saints jersey
bottlenecks, and minimizing maintenance cost.
In this fast paced world, everyone wants to do everything fast. The gigabit metro LAN is the best solution for those who need to transfer information at high speed. It is also cost effective and easy to use. All these features make it helpful and useful to the users.